jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


 Tattoos Go Beyong Art And Fashion; They Reflect Deep-Rooted Cultural And Ethnic Heritage

I agree with the thesis presented,because in many cases it is thought that tattoos are only a symbol of beauty and the meaning is not more than look pretty in the body,but this goes far beyond, because in many parts of the world,the tattoos have a special meaning, like a symbol of higher class, or to scare bad spirits, depending of the culture that they have. But this is is more common in tribes and anscestors, because they used tatooing to define a hierarchy or to scare enemies in battles, but generally is a form to identificate a tribe with another, and a way to show the respect that you have.
For example, the Maori tribe, that is located in New Zealand, they use tattos over the head, because is considered the most important part of the body. This serve as marks of high status, but also each tatto design is unique to the individual and conveys specific information about that person's social status, ancestry and skills.
In present, some people make tatoos to remember the name of a person that you love or that you like to much, carrying with for all yor live in your skin.
That's why tattoos go beyong art and fashion; this is not a way to make draws on your skin, or to make you "more beauty", this is something that have a meaning important for some people, and have a real meaning.

 252 words