jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

News Report

"The sea is not your dump site"

Gregorio Salaberry C.
Thu. May 2, 2013

PANAMA - The itizens of Panama colapsed the sity dump, so they decided to throw all their garbage to the sea. This started on April 25, when all the bin trucks took all the garbage to the sea coast.

When the city dump colapsed, the government decided to throw all the garbage of the citizens to the sea, but  to days after the begining of this project, "Cartagena de Indias, Colombia", has all the rubbish thrown by the people of Panama in their coast.

Also, the sea began changing color, getting darker. A scientist say: "this is the product of the contamination that Panama is creating". The Panama government thinks a solution, because they were destructing the world and creating problems with their neighbors. The solution, is to put in fire all the rubbish of the dump site, and recicling all the things that are possible, making more space to put more garbage. This process is going to happen one time per month to not have the same problem twice.

Chapter 4 and 5, Brave New World

1- Why is it important for Lenina to publicly prove her unfaithfulness to Henry?

Because in the time that the book take place, the accion of infidelity doesn´t exist. What I mean to this, is that many people has more than one couple, but not for that reason he/she was unfaithful.
So, in conclusion, doesn´t matter if she make publicly her unfaithfulness to Henry because doesn´t exist a real meaning for that word, so if she make publicly this, she only was making it official. And a quote of this is in chapter 4, page 50 and says: "Anyhow, she was publicly proving her unfaithfulness to Henry. Fanny ought to be pleased, even though it was Bernard."

2- Is it natural to be in a couple and raise a family in the Brave new World? Why/why not?
To be in a couple and raise a family is not natural, because this is against to the gobernment. The Gobernment says that a person don`t have to be with only one cople like you`re stuck, that you have to be free and have as many couples want.
3- What is the meaning of “pneumatic” when it is used to describe Lenina?
"Pneumatic" is used to describe the physical aspect of a person, and means that the person is sexy and curvy. In this case, this word is describing Lenina.
4- What is “Soma” and why do people use it?
"Soma" is a drug very effective because doesn`t have second effects, and is used to cure the unhappiness (making feel happy). In Brave New World, if you feel sad, is very normal to take this.
5- Was Bernard a tall or a short man? How did this affect his job? Please justify your answer by quoting from chapter 5.
Bernard wasn`t a tall man, and this is justified in chapter 4 that says:"I have stood eight centimeters short of the standard Alpha height and was slender in proportion". This affect his job because he felt observed by his coworkers for been different.