miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Glogster Activity

The Phantom of The Opera

The phantom is my favorite character of the book because is a mysterious man that knows what he wants and is willing to do whatever he needs to have it.
Raoul and Christine
Raoul and Christine meet for first time when they were only children in a beach of Paris when he was on vacations. What happened was that Christine’s scarf blew away to the sea and he goes to find it.

We want to leave some instructions for the incoming managers to create an idea of what is going on in this Opera House and to let them know that if they do or don’t do some things, are going to happen bad things.
   1)    Follow very carefully these instructions.
   2)    Don’t sell box number 5.
   3)    Don’t disturb the phantom.
   4)    Don’t think that this is a joke.
   5)    Be very serious with topics about the phantom.
   6)    Make everything that phantom wants.
   7)    Don’t try to find it, because if you try, maybe he will want to kill you.
   8)    Watch Christine very carefully, because something strange is hiding.
   9)    Warnings from the phantom are serious things; try to correct the mistakes that he says quickly.
  10) Try not to fire anyone, because everyone that works in there knows how to treat the phantom very good.

For instance, a fireman is a brave fellow!      Pag. 10
Those who heard her say that her voice, in these passages, was seraphic…      Pag 18
…with his eyes starting out of his head, and practically fainted in the arms of the proud mother of little Jammes.      Pag. 10
…while Sorelli, stealthily, with the tip of her pink right thumb-nail…..    Pag. 11-12


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